Reggio Emilia – City of Ateliers

Tuesday and Wednesday

Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead, they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active, reciprocal exchange, teaching can strengthen learning how to learn.

Loris Malaguzzi

The three days here in the heart of the Reggio philosophy of learning have been incredibly welcoming, supportive and intensive!


Topics that have been offered for consideration and deliberation have included the importance of:

  • welcoming the Childs view of the world
  • International dialogue on the child’s right for education
    participation and growing relationship building with parents
  • focus on ‘Usness’ with parents as we are both educators and educating
  • Continuity in relationship, being present and constructive – in school and family – enabling Shared strategies for common goal of education for children
  • Interrelationship -Repricocity
  • visibility of the child as citizen with rights

…..and many many more provocations on our role in creating the spaces, conditions and design for learning!Seminars and workshops with the Loris Malaguzzi International Centres own ateliers in Graphic and mark making was an excellent opportunity to experience our learning journey together


Wednesday’s opportunity to visit and interact with the children at the Balducci and Tondelli Municipal Preschools was a significant highlight.  To be able to engage with their school communities – children especially – and be part of their “Usness” in the every day was quite a blessing.  Language barriers aside the children were eager to share their stories and activities with us. To see the ateliers engaging with students, the obvious commitment to detail and preparation of learning opportunities and spaces for children to research was enlightening. We were very fortunate to be given such an important invitation to participate in each of the school communities. Living and breathing the 100 languages in action!



The visit to the REMIDA Creative Recycling Centre was an adventure with its art installations from recycled materials making it feel more like an Art Museum – and it’s super organised collection of recycled materials a virtual Alladins ns cave for resourceful teachers!



Ciao Karen








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